Meet Our Founder: Tonya Jones
I am honored to introduce to the world my sister Tonya Dionne Jones. As I watch my sister go head to toe with Lupus, my thoughts are W.O.W, what a Woman of Warfare. Mrs. Jones refuses to lose the fight. We are told that, “Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.” (Ephesians 3:12 NLT) This boldness allows Tonya to graciously go to the throne of God, where she receives his mercy, and find grace to help her when she need it most. (Hebrews 4:16)
Tonya jones
I watched Lupus turn her legs into soft mass with no bone, unable to stand on her own two feet. I have watched Lupus attack her kidneys so severely it looked like she was going to have to have dialysis, but God. I saw Lupus attack her eyes making it difficult for her to see in the natural but thank God she relies on the light that comes from the Word of God. (Psalm 119:105) I watched as Lupus snatched her hair from her head trying to destroy her self-esteem. I watched Lupus time and time again attack her heart giving the appearance of a heart attack. Mrs. Jones refused to believe and instead made a conscious decision to protect her heart with the word of God. She knew to “Guard her heart above all else, for it determines the course of her life.” (Proverbs 4:23 NLT) I watched Satan snatch her memory from her right before my eyes. I watched Satan snatch her speech from her as she lay in the hospital bed struggling to have a conversation with words she could not speak.

It took a while for my sister to be diagnosed with Lupus. The agony of not knowing what her body was struggling with became unbearable, and to have a doctor tell her it was all in her mind, knocked the breath of life out of her. Satan used those words to catapult a nervous breakdown in my sister’s life. I watched my sister fight with all she had in her to get her life back. Daily waking up at four in the morning to give honor, glory and praise to her God that she knew would one day come help her with his victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10 NLT) And He did!
At every point of attack from Satan, Tonya rejected everything she saw and every symptom she felt. She refused to accept every report that went against by His stripes I am healed. Tonya knows that life and death is in the power of her tongue, and she used her words to speak life to her body. (Proverbs 18:21) Mrs. Jones hung onto the promise of God with the tenacity of a Bulldog. Tonya dared not to forsake the promises of God, because she knew without a shadow of a doubt no weapon formed against her would prosper; regardless to what it looked like. (Isaiah 54:17)
Due to her faithfulness God has chosen her to use all her struggles with Lupus as a light of hope. God has been the source of all her hope. God continues to comfort in all the troubles that Lupus can bring, that she may comfort others battling with Lupus. She desires to share the comfort and peace that she has found with others, that they too may come out on the winning side of their battle with Lupus. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) Tonya has been ordained to be a spokeswoman not because of the things she has suffered in the grip of Lupus but because of every battle she has won and continues to win.
Mrs. Tonya Dione Jones is proof, that you whoever you maybe, can live your best life as you fight to overcome the many obstacles that Lupus brings.
Ms.Toni Wise